Monday, January 31, 2011

A long overdue update.

Dear Friends,

I know it has been quite long since an update has been posted. My sincere apologies for not having provided an update earlier, Let me start from where we last updated , when I was Dubai bound…………

March 2010 was the new chapter in my life as I landed back in Dubai, new visa, hunt for a new house, new car, and off course my good old job, good old friends and my office team, Sangeetha’s visit to Dubai.

Months just flew past and so did the year, milestones in this period were, family joined us immediately, both Rishi and Varun started school, new home at Garhoud…., Padma joins Varun at School to state a few.

Work keeps me busy, trips around the region….a visit to Vellore in July, checkup goes well. I return back to Dubai with my niece Pooja who is on a Holiday to Dubai for a month.

Then on, the time just whizzed past and before you know the New Year is on the threshold.

Change of residence, hunt for a new house closer to the office to avoid traffic was the next major task and finally nested to a new place 5 minutes from work (small mercies of going home for lunch was the benefit reaped)

2011 started with the witnessing of fireworks at Burj Khalifa (tallest tower in the world.. currently), followed by my Doctor cousins (Dr. Dhanraj and Dr. Nararyani) from Salem visit us ( some of you all have interacted with them during my Vellore days), had a great time, thanks for great weather and before we know we were all set to go for my next checkup at Vellore and of course my in Law’s Golden Anniversary at Palakkad.

Kids were looking forward to this break as for them it was going back to India for fun at last…

From July 2010 - Jan 2011 other than a couple of hiccups, such as a bout of Flu, cold and cough etc. my American lady was holding my fort strong and has had no major cause of concern. To strengthen my immunity continued my immunizations into its final phase.

On 20th we landed in India to celebrate my in laws golden anniversary on 22nd, 23rd embarked to my journey to my place of rebirth CMC Vellore.

24th was rather hectic, started with providing my blood for the various parametric checks, followed by an appointment with my Neuro Surgeon, gate crashed to Ortho Department to review my plated leg if anything needs to be done and finally in the noon was with the Haemat department.

Counts were really good, the Amercian lady was indeed singing and dancing as my counts are all standing tall.

HB 12.8, WBC 13K, Platelets 3.3 Lacs (Highest achieve so far in my counts), Blood smear report was clear (No Blasts seen). My next schedule would be 6 months from now so July/ August would be my next check.

Mrs. Mammen Chandy (Aunty) was in Vellore so made it a point to meet her this time. Dr. Mammen and Aunty are now in Calcutta, as Dr. Mammen is heading the Tata’s Medical Center in Calcutta which a new specialist hospital that is being constructed there.( )

So that sort of summarizes the update for now…. So until next time…bye


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dubai bound.

Dear All,

This could possibly be my last update from India. Things have been changing over the last two months since my last check up at Vellore in Jan 2010. I have passed my medical test in flying colours the doctors have given me a go ahead to move on in life. All my Antibiotics have been stopped and a fresh immunization scheduled has began. I need to have all the vaccines redone again as my marrow has gone through a complete overhaul. Like Varun I am having my immunization plan. I finished two already and need one more to complete the cycle.

The current program as it stands is as follows. We will all move lock stock and Barrel from Trivandrum by this month end and settle Padma & Kids at her Place in Palakkad , after which my Dad and I will proceed to Dubai, hopefully should have our papers by then. Padma and Kids would join us immediately after I arrange for their papers after reaching Dubai.

The uphill task I see is the setting up process in Dubai so all a hectic period is awaited. My next check up at Vellore would only be in July. I am anxiously waiting for all these to happen smoothly and the next time any of you folks are flying to India should plan with a stopover at Dubai with me.

Thanks for all the support and please await for my next update from Dubai.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Recent portrait pictures


Rajesh, Padmaja, Hrishikesh and Varun

Friday, October 16, 2009

Overdue update

Dear friends and well wishers,

It has been quite a long time since I posted an update. My sincere apologies for the delay.

Let me start from where we left off, the check up in June was special in many ways.
A) I had a chance to meet Naaree (after 25 years) and Sankaran in person.
B) On June 27th I completed a successful year post BMT . This is a land mark in itself.

Standing up tall as the 1st MUD from CMC is a credit to that institute and it’s great staff. I owe this to a lot people whose prayers and blessings have got me here. So a heartfelt thanks from me and my family for being the pillar of support during the rocky times.

There has been a shift of residence for me and my family since June. We have relocated to Trivandrum as it provides a better medical support for me, better education for me kids and we have an off shore development center from where I could support my team better, when time and my health permits.

This was indeed a refreshing change for all of us, which we welcomed with open arms. The next scheduled check was planned for in Sept after three months from the last check up, this in itself was a good news as a gap was given. I had my investigation done by the Haemat Dept, Neuro Dept and Infectious disease dept. , An MRI was suggested for the next visit by the Neuro Dept just to compare the scans in March. As planned we had done a regular check on blood counts locally and same was reported to CMC. July was uneventful health wise but did manage some progress personally as I ventured out to attend to conference call from our development center and started driving a bit ( which I found less strenuous than my walking). July blood report too provided was stable on all counts and showed a lot of stability health wise.

August started off well, as slowly and steadily I was getting to become a confident driver and my walk was improving without my crutches. Onam, was in the offing and we were all prepared to be in Palakkad to celebrate the same, however as fate had it by end of the month I had developed a major pain on the right side chest and back. Immediately referred to a local hospital who suspected “Costochondritis” (an infection in the Rib Case). In the next two days went in pain and pain killers, but then I had developed blisters in left leg and back, thus it was easy diagnosis for the Skin specialist as “Herpes Zoster”. This was informed to CMC doctors who along with the local Doctor advised an Antiviral for two weeks and a follow up was planned for, after two weeks. This disease can best described as of a “nuisance value “ and hence not to be bothered about. Treatment was effective however the pain persists even now. The post therapeutic neuralgia may continue for a longer period. Due to this infection my planned check up in September was postponed to 1st week of Oct.

We (Dad and I) reached Vellore on 4th and on 5th we had the appointment for MRI and Blood checks followed by meeting with Doctors at Hematology Dept. The counts as in past showed significant stability and increase( HB 12.8 ,Platelets 216000,WBC 8500.), Liver function test results were well within limits and so was the other main parameters. This made the doctors from Hematology pleased with progress made so far. I had appointments with Neurology and ID departments for the 6th . The MRI showed a significant reduction in brain abscess when compared to my previous MRI. Neuro surgeon was happy from the recovery so far and so advised me of more regular walks to improve on my walking stability. ID dept suggested that I continue with the antibiotic suggested for the Nocardia infection for another 3 months until December when another check was suggested.

So until Dec I would be following the previous schedule of blood tests locally and informing Doctors from CMC until I get to Vellore for my next detailed check up . I sincerely hope that the script of my life becomes less complex than before!!!

Thanks to all of you for being supporting me through this ordeal.

Wish you all a very happy and safe Diwali.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Visit to Vellore

Sankaran and I got a chance to meet with Rajesh and his dad during one of their regular check up visits to Vellore.

I was really happy to see the progress he has made. From all accounts, he is making very good progress. His counts, even those from his current visit, are all healthy. He seems to have gained back some of the weight he had lost. His walking has also improved tremendously. Sankaran and I spent the entire day with him. We all visited the Golden Temple at Sripuram. Rajesh, proudly, gave us a tour of the facilities that CMC has put together for their BMT patients. Also had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Chandy, who Rajesh affectionately calls his God Mother. After spending a few minutes with her, we can now understand why. She is such a selfless lady devoting her time to boost the morale of all the patients, young and old. I was really moved by the little patients, that were at the play room. I have promised to do toy drive (new, used, unused) and ship it to her, to benefit her play room.

As his one year anniversary of the transplant approaches (Jun 27th), we should all continue to pray that he stays on this course to recovery and there are no more setbacks for him.

Here are some photos from this trip

Help Rajesh Team.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Dear All,

It has been a month since we have moved out of Vellore to Palakkad and provided an update from my side. I just got back from Vellore after a detailed monthly check up. Further I have successfully undergone a 14 day basic Ayruvedic treatment to tone up my muscles at home.

As regards to the check up on 11th and 12th at Vellore, my blood counts are holding good and no major issue of concern. My liver enzymes are still a bit elevated which may be due to the drugs I am having currently. A few tests for which results are awaited would be used to decide and finalize my medication by the Doctors at CMC. They are happy on the progress made so far, I have definitely put on more weight and looking a bit puffed up due the Steroids I am on. My walking was the challenge during the entire trip as I had a lot to walk at stations and at the hospital. The Ayurvedic treatment has definitely helped, My walking is smooth, but still there is a lot to achieve, (fear I may fall still hounds me and my walking ) . This trip was big change for me from the confinement with the house perimeters since my return from Vellore in April.

Elections are on and the heat of the same is being reflected in the weather too. Vellore was a soaring 40 plus as it is the month “ Agni Nakshatram” (period known for its excess heat in Tamilnadu ).Kerala too is still awaiting it monsoons hence the temperature is soaring high here too.

Thanks for all the continued support , on path to full recovery soon I suppose.

Thanks and regards
R. Rajesh

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Move to Palakkad

Dear All,

As of 12th April , We have moved out of Vellore and into Palakkad for now. I need to go back to Vellore for a monthly check up.

As of the last check up on 9th the counts were holding good and no other issue of concern. My liver enzymes were a bit elevated for which my steroids dosage was increased. My walking is improving slowly but still a lot to achieve.

Thanks for all the support , hopefully on path to full recovery I suppose.

Thanks and regards
R. Rajesh

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