Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update from Rajesh - BMT ahead...

Dear All,

Looks like the waiting is over, my rather extended parole days with my family is coming to an end as of tomorrow. I would be admitted tomorrow for the Bone Marrow Transplant program. The schedule would be :

19th Admission
20th Hickman’s catheter
21st Chemo (Cyclophosphamide)
22ndChemo (Cyclophosphamide)
23rd – 25th TBI
25th night we expect the Donor Cells to be here in Vellore hand carried by the NMDP personnel and as per the schedule I am to have the transplant on 26th morning.

Hopefully this should be the last part of my treatment. I would be admitted into the Bone Marrow Transplant rooms from the 21st onwards which means I would be in Isolation from then on until I recover from my transplant and my counts reach normalcy.

The contact numbers would remain the same for now. The phone number in the hospital room shall be provided once I have it.

Thanks and regards



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