Thursday, April 10, 2008

Correction to previous post

Please note the following errors from the previous post.

The two donors have given their blood for confirmatory typing and NOT their marrow. The process is to go through the confirmatory typing. Let the doctors at CMC analyze the results of all 3 or 4 donors and then narrow down the donor. The extraction process will then begin once the transplant date is set. The stem cells will be transported (hand carried by NMDP authorized and trained personnel local to the donor center) to CMC.



Unknown said...

Wanted to send you and your family well wishes. Stay strong and we all are right here with you! Our prayers are with you!! Please keep us updated!

Unknown said...

Dearest Rajesh,

This is Ganesh from Abu Dhabi - Asha's brother.

Please know that you are in our prayers. You and family show amazing strength and positivity. God bless you and family.

Lots of love from Emma, Hannah, Louise and me.

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