Thursday, May 15, 2008

Update on BMT.

Dear All,

As you may have expected I should have been in Palakkad enjoying the rains there. However due to certain changes in the schedule, we have cancelled the trip to Palakkad and stayed back in Vellore. The reason for this is  the possible early arrival of the Bone Marrow Extraction from US. 

The earlier plan was that it would be cryogenically transported here. However it was made clear that NMDP would send the extraction not cryogenically but in dry ice at -4­ C and this has to be transfused into me with in 72 hrs of extraction. So all the preparation have to be done to me prior to the dispatch so that as soon this arrives, I should be ready for the infusion. 

So I would be admitted on the 21st and my Hickman’s catheter would be installed by 22nd followed by two days of Cyclophosphomide chemo( 23rd and 24th) and 3 days of total body radiation( 25th,26th, and 27th). So if the extraction is done on 26th or 27th it would reach Vellore by 28th or 29th by which time I would be ready to receive this. 

The Doctor suggested that I could go for a week to Palakkad. Given my leg condition , the risks involved of the travel and change of place etc., we decided against it and planned to stay with the family here in Vellore itself for it is better to finish the treatment off as early as possible.

So I would humbly request you all to pray and support me for this final phase as you have all been doing it for this long. Hopefully I should finish this phase off without much issue.



Unknown said...
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நாகு (Nagu) said...

A note from Pushpa Jacob:

This is Pushpa Jacob from Westminister Dubai. Nothing is impossible for Our Lord Jesus. Have faith and he will be healed. Will keep you and the family in our daily prayers.

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